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God Complex

12 Feb

The Daughter of Babylon is not America

12 Feb

Hebrew is an African language

12 Feb

12 Tribes of Israel are black

12 Feb

You Decide: Hexagram–Star Of David Or Star Of Lucifer? Taken form the web site “Before its News”

14 Apr
Vine of Life News Note:  One of our authors found this on the internet and emailed it to me.  I am posting this because I am curious to hear your feedback and your thoughts.  Me, I’m not sure. I wear a Star of David necklace myself.  I am aware of Satan’s counterfeits in that he takes things that are spiritually significant and turns them into something evil, such as taking the cross and making the Nazi swastika (crooked cross), and so forth. On the other hand, I am aware of Illuminati deception, and how things seem good and godly but then they aren’t necessarily what they seem. Please read and decide for yourself what you think.  We’re interested to hear your thoughts!



Star of David


The so-called Star of David is a Satanic symbol. Satanists and occult practitioners use it for calling Satanand demons!

Former Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen (now born again Christian)
“A hexagram must be present to call forth a demon” and ” it is a very powerful tool to invoke Satan”.
“To the sorcerer, the hexagram is a powerful tool to invoke Satan.” In fact, the word “hex” — as to put a “hex” or “curse” on people — comes from this word.


  • What is the significance of this symbol?




If you examine the so-called “Star of David,” or hexagram, closely, you will discover something astonishing. It has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and in its interior forms a six sided hexagon — thus it reveals the number of Satan’ antichrist beast, — 6 points, 6 triangles, and the 6 sides of the hexagram — 666 !!!


  • Should Christians use this symbol for their church? Obviously not! If you fly a ’666′ flag on your church building, is this a church of Jesus Christ or Satan? Obviously Satan! If a country uses a ’666′ flag to represent their country, does the country belong to the God of the Bible or Satan? Obviously Satan! Do they serve the purpose of Satan or God. Obviously Satan! If they plant a ’666′ flag every time they conquer a piece of land, is the conquest for God or Satan? Obviously Satan! If the army goes to war flying a ’666′ flag, is the army of God or Satan? Obviously Satan! Do not be deceived!
  • Quote from the video:

    Today, the Six Pointed Star or Hexagram is the most popular and universally recognized symbol of Jewry. It is known as Star of David, Magen David, or the Jewish Star. Ironically, David had nothing to do with the hexagram and it did not represent the Jewish people until the 17th century. Symbol of the Jewish has always been the Menorah. Hexagram is a very ancient symbol. It is present nearly in every culture on Earth.

    The hexagram as a symbol of Jewish people was offered by Viennese Jesuits in 1648 on demand of the German Emperor Ferdinand III, who wished to assign flag of honor to the Jews of Prague for their help in the Thirty Years War. After the Jews of Prague received their flag the hexagram began to spread in the Jewish community and was used in synagogues and during festive occasions. In fact many rabbis strongly opposed to the use of the hexagram because it was a pagan symbol. But since Mayer Rothschild adopted the hexagram to mark his house this symbol gained popularity among the Jews. Ironically, the Rothschilds do not have Jewish roots and do not practice Judaism.

    In 1897 the hexagram became the symbol of the Zionist movement. Zionist movement was funded by the Rothschilds and had a kin relation to Freemasonry. A masonic book called the Second Mile reveals that “the six pointed star is a very ancient symbol, and one of the most powerful”. This symbol is very prevalent in Freemasonry.

    In the Vedic literature the hexagram is known as Shatkona. It is a very important symbol in Hinduism. The hexagram is a common symbol in Buuddhism. It is also prevalent in Islam. In Islam the hexagram is known as the Seal of Solomon. It was used by King Solomon as a magical signet to control demons and spirits. After his marriage to Pharoah’s daughter in 922 BC Solomon gave himself up to witchcraft and idolatry and built altars to Moloch and Ashtoreth. Moloch worship included child sacrafice and sexual orgies. The hexagram is also related to the worship of Saturn. The hexagram was also used in Baal worship.

    The hexagram is used in magick, witchcraft, sorcery, occultism, alchemy, and astrology. According to former Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen, “a hexagram must be present to call forth a demon” and ” it is a very powerful tool to invoke Satan”. In fact the word hex, as “to put a hex on someone” derives from the word hexagram.

    So how did this ancient occult symbol find its way onto the Great Seal of the United States? Why is it so common in churches? Do you know what symbol represents Luciferianism? Helena Blavatsky, who wrote that Lucifer is the true god, incorporated the hexagram in the emblem of the Theosophical Society. She was a 32nd degree Mason

Mos def speaks the truth

13 Apr
24 Mar

Giants built the temples of Baalbek in Lebanon

In Baalbek, Lebanon there is a temple named Temple of Jupiter, and was built by Romans when Lebanon became a Roman colony around 27 BC. It’s a fantastic temple, but the most fantastic is it’s foundation, which where already in place when the constructed the temple up on it.

The base of the Temple of Jupiter is called the Trilithon, and is constructed of three 1000-tonne limestone megalithic blocks.

Scholars have no clue why anybody would use such enormously big megalithic blocks.
One scholar calculated that to move a 1000-tonne block, no less than 40,000 men would have been required, making logistics virtually inconceivable on the tiny track up to the temple.

Even more amazing is the fact that in a limestone quarry about one quarter of a mile away from the Temple of jupiter in Baalbek you will find an even bigger megalithic building block, known as “Hajar el Gouble”, the Stone of the South, or the “Hajar el Hibla”, the Stone of the Pregnant Woman, it weighs an estimated 1200 tonnes.

It is not mentioned anywhere in Roman records that they where involved in the construction of the base (the Trilithon).
The local inhabitants of the Beqa’a Valley where Baalbek is situated consist in the main of Arab Muslims, Maronite Christians and Orthodox Christians and they say that Baalbek’s was built by a race of giants under the command of Nimrod, the ’mighty hunter’ and ’king of Shinar’ of the Book of Genesis.

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
–Bible, Genesis 6: 1-4

In folklore from Egypt and Palestine there are many accounts of how sound, used in association with ’magic words’, was able to lift and move large stones. It sounds like they used some sonic technology, this could be an explanation how the Giants moved these megaliths.

It is believed that the Baalbek’s foundation was built around 12,500 B.C.

Who where the Giants?
In the Bible, the word nephilim has been translated to Giants.
The Nephilim were an race born from the “daughters of men”, and the “Sons of God”.
Simply put, they where an half alien, half human race.

Giants and Nephilim

24 Mar

Brothers and sisters some of the info given in this vid is a little wrong but the info is still good. there are somethings that are not told in this vid and there is a lot more going on in the the creation than is told in the KJV bible. I recommend you read Gen ch 1-7 in full and in Hebrew and you will be floored by what your elders don’t know or are not telling you

21 Mar

A Brief History of Surnames         This page will attempt to relate a brief history of surnames (or last names as we call them today), focusing on those of Western Europe. It will also discuss the categories of meanings that surnames come in. Originally, people had no use for surnames. They lived in communities that were small enough that it was unlikely people would have the same given name. Also, people rarely traveled great distances so it was unlikely they would meet anyone sharing the same name. As communities grew and people started traveling more there became a need to differentiate between people sharing the same given name. This caused surnames to come into existence. 

         The earliest surnames were not inherited as they are today. They simply described the person who bore the name. The most common early naming system of this sort is called patronymics (patro=father, nymics=naming). This system of surnames uses the name of a person’s father as that person’s surname. So, if a village had two people named Thomas in it, then one Thomas might be Thomas son of Robert and the other Thomas might be Thomas son of John. The one major disadvantage of this system is that with each generation surnames would change. For example, if you had Charles who was the father of Patrick who was the father of Thomas, then the full names of Charles’ son and grandson would be Patrick Charles and Thomas Patrick. Despite the lack of consistency that is found in a patronymic naming system, it was very popular in many countries of Western Europe for centuries. The following are examples of how several different groups of people used the patronymic system to develop surnames.

Denmark: the ending –sen (for a son) and –datter (for a daughter) was attached to the father’s name. e.g. Hansen, Sorensdatter

Sweden: similar to Denmark except –son and –dottir were used. e.g. Anderson, Svensdottir

Netherlands: The endings –s, -se, and –sen were used for son or daughter. e.g. Jansse or Dirks

Poland: For a son, -wicz was used. For a daughter, -ovna was used.

French/Old English: Fitz- was used for a son or a daughter, however people given surnames containing “Fitz” were often illegitimate. e.g. FitzGerald, FitzAlan.

Scotland: Mac- and Mc- (For a son or daughter). e.g. MacDonald, McLeod

Ireland: O’ and Mc- (for a son or daughter). The “O’” can also be used for a grandson or granddaughter. e.g. O’Brien, McDermott

Spain/Portugal: -ez (Spain) or –es  (Portugal) e.g. Gonzales, Hernandez

Wales: In Wales, two patronymic systems existed. In one, the surnames of the children were the unmodified father’s name, so the son of Rees might be James Rees. In the second system the word “ap” (son of) or “verch/ferch” (daughter of) were incorporated into the new surname creating names like David ap Rhys or Maredudd ferch Llewelyn.

Place Surnames
         In addition to being named after their fathers, people were also named after places where they lived, either past or present. Place names come in several different categories. First, someone can be named after a village or town where they were born or have lived. People are rarely named after the town in which they are currently living, but after they leave that town and move to a new place they can be named after the town where they used to live. So someone named Ben who used to live in York came to be known as Ben of York or more simply Ben York.
         Another form of a place surname occurs when people are name after a geographic feature that they lived near or on. People who lived near a hill or a mountain might have been called Hill (English), Maki (Finnish), Jurek (Poland), etc. People who lived near a lake or stream might have been called Loch (Scottish), Rio (Spanish) or Brooks (English). People were named after woods, stones, fields, swamps, fenced places, valleys, etc. People could be named after something simple like a place where grass grew (the -ley at the end of many surnames means this) or they could have been named because they lived on (or near) a field where barley was grown (Berland). 
         Place Surnames can often be found with prepositions meaning “of” or “from” attached to them. This can be seen in names like De Berry (of Berry) or Van Ness (From Ness). 

Personal Characteristics
         A third type of surname that is found is a surname that is given to someone because of his or her personal characteristics. These characteristics could be physical addressing a person’s hair color, height, complexion, weight, etc. An example of a surname formed from a physical characteristic is the surname red, given to a red-haired person. Variations of this surname can be found in several countries and include: Reid (English), Russ (English), Rousseau (French), Rossi (Italian) Cerveny (Czech), Roth (German) and Flynn (Irish). 
         A second type of surname given based on personal characteristics would be a surname given on the basis of personality traits or abilities. Surnames can be found that mean fast, slow, dumb, smart, etc. Surnames that are animal names also fall into this category as they were usually assigned to people who shared characteristics with the animal they were named after. So someone called Fish might have been an excellent swimmer. 

         The forth and last general category of surnames might also be classified as a subset of personal characteristics. This category of surname is surnames that are given based on the surname bearer’s occupation. In this category, people were identified by their occupation. In English, some obvious examples of Occupational Surnames are: Taylor, Shepherd, Fisher, and Baker. These common occupational surnames can be found translated into most languages that had surnames. The topic of occupational surnames cannot be discussed without mentioning what is arguably the most popular occupational surname found, Smith. This surname was given to the worker of metals (often the blacksmith). Its variations include Schmidt (German, Danish), Kovars (Hungarian), Ferraro (Italian), Kowal (Polish), etc.

Surname Inheritance
         As mentioned above, surnames were originally given to a single person. These surnames would change from generation to generation, making it difficult to keep track of family relationship. As time moved on people stopped changing surnames from generation to generation. The first people to do this were often the nobility and royalty of an area. These permanent surnames seem to appear first after the first crusades. They started in France at about 1000 and spread with the Norman Invasion to England and Scotland. Most British surnames appear to have become fixed or permanent between 1250 and 1450. Places with strong ties to England developed a system of fixed surnames faster then others. The following is an overview of when some countries of Europe stopped using patronymics and developed an inherited surname system. Most of Scotland had fixed surnames early on, but it was not until the 18th century that people in the highlands stopped using a patronymic system. In the Netherlands, fixed surnames were officially adopted in 1811-1812, but it took a few decades for people to stop using a patronymic system. Scandinavian countries continued using a patronymic system longer then other countries even though laws were established by Napoleon and others to stop this practice. It wasn’t until about 1860 that people in Scandinavia started adopting fixed surnames. 



who are the real Jews / israelites

20 Mar